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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Perhaps this should be our official post training snack? Blue(berry) Banana Bread <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Blue Banana Fitness (@banana_fitness) <a href="">October 16, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

This is a link to a Blue (berry) Banana Cake. Its often said the best training fuel is carbohydrate and bananas are the classic source of energy either before, during or after training. And it's true that for short-medium term bursts of activity, stored carbohydrate from your blood, muscles and liver will be used. But it takes time to absorb and process this fuel-if you eat a banana during training, you might use up that energy but if your blood sugar is that low, you're already too late.

The best time to fuel your training is actually immediately after you previous session. They call it the 'glycaemic window'. The glycogen stores in your muscles and liver are depleted and are asking for refuelling. Hormones are coursing around your body looking for spare glucose to stash away as glycogen. If you miss this window, much of the carbs you eat will be converted to fat and stored in your fat cells. This will make them unavailable for short-medium term bursts. Fat takes too much oxygen and is only used up for energy by way of a long, multi stage process. Fat is by far the best fuel for daily life and long distance events or training. If you're having a long run for instance, longer than an hour, anyway, you will need to use up some fat reserves, you just won't have enough glycogen reserves.

So whence cake? Cake is high in easily and quickly absorbed starchy carbs, eggs for protein and plenty of fat to fuel your future long runs. The fruit has some anti-oxidants and good things to help your body recover and recycle any waste products from the effort and return these to your body as new, strong cells. And it tastes lovely.


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