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Barefoot or 'Natural' Run Training


Like many runners, you may be plagued by injury or sore feet. Or you are sick of spending loads of money on running shoes. Barefoot running isn't as wacko as it sounds and you can actually wear shoes to do it!

The point of barefoot training is to condition the feet into becoming the effective shock absorbers they are supposed to be-which can mean fewer injuries, faster times and pick up some fun training drills! 

The main issue people find with making the transition away from traditional cushioned or supportive shoes is impatience. Trying to change too quickly without giving your body a chance to adapt. If you are a distance runner, you probably think 20 minutes is a short run. Relearning a skill as fundamental as running, with so many hours and years of ingrained habits, takes time!  


Gordon will teach you drills, mind techniques and some easy hints and tips to help. Having been through the transition himself and as a regular 'toe-shoe' wearer, he's been there and got the t-shirt.


The picture here was taken after a Beach Fun class-recommended for anyone who wants to improve foot and ankle strength. Mostly done barefoot (except in the snow) 


Get in touch if you want to know more!





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