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Keto Brownies vs Hobnobs The Unsugared Truth about Biscuits

Sometimes, a biscuit is really nice. A cup of tea is too wet etc... But, I find one is not enough! Two or even three are gone before you can say 'to dunk or not to dunk, that is the question'.

And after 20 minutes, not only am I hungry but craving even more biscuits! Some people say it's the sugar in the biscuits which drives the feeling of hunger-you have one and the sweet reward satisfies for only a few seconds, spurring you to a second or third or half packet (wow, how did that happen? you hear yourself say after polishing off a whole thing of Jaffa cakes).

I also generally have a high carb packed lunch when I am out and about, between classes or PT clients. Sandwich, crisps, fruit-fairly standard stuff. I usually bike between jobs as well as staying active while training people, so I burn off a lot of calories during the day. My weight is very static, I don't really pay attention to the scales either. But why is it I get so hungry, even after eating lunch?

Sometimes I pack a little plastic box of olives and feta cheese (which is a lovely combo, I recommend you try it) and lo and behold, after that snack-no intense low-blood-sugar hunger pangs. Could it be the highly refined carbs in the bread, crisps, occasional cereal bar and the healthier option of fruit? An apple might keep the doctor away but it is still full of sugar, which is absorbed quickly by the body and converted to fat if not burned off immediately.

My wife has started creating a variety of low carb cakes and biscuits which are very nice and tasty, as they need to be, I still see a cake as a dessert course to the packed lunch, or as a sweet accompaniment to mid morning or afternoon coffee. Or nine o'clock tea. (I could get through a lot of biscuits with all these important hot beverage breaks) and don't even get me started on those classes I teach which include tea and biscuits at the end! I mean, I have to join in, obviously.

Anyways, I found myself recently having some low carb choco brownies - scratch that - ONE choco brownie. An hour after the tea break and I still felt completely satisfied. Not stuffed full, but just not hungry at all. My sister, who is also something of a confessed biscuit monster, reported she had one after run class and didn't feel hungry for 2 hours afterwards. That was just ONE SMALL CAKE.

My wife says the recipes are similar to regular cakes although the ingredients are a bit hard to come by, although generally available online if you know what to look for. Also excellent are Blondie Brownies which are a bit like Mr Kiplings Almond Slices. These have gone down very well with some of my older clientele who have Type 2 diabetes and for whom normal biscuits should be strictly off the menu.

More news as it develops!

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